ZTT participates in drawing up 140 Industry standards

2016/5/23 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览


As exclusive organizer, ZTT has organized “electric aerial optic cable joint box” and “ADSS OF cable Safety Technology Guidance” in Shanghai from 16 to 17 May. Until now, ZTT have had 138 standards including Industrial, national and international standards and had won for 14 standard edition plans including 13 projects of China Communications Standards Association, and 1 project of China Bare Wire Standard Committee in 2016.

ZTT has attended 16 standard organizations mainly including China Communications Standards Association, China Wire & Cable Standard Technology Committee, China Bare Wire Standard Committee, etc.

ZTT had attended over 20 meetings for the relating standard ranging from Internation, Telecom, Energy, Machinery industry which meanwhile strengthened the independent creation for ZTT.